Official and development statistics

The production of reliable, accessible, comparable and high-quality data is a public policy issue and a major building stone of any democratic society. They are essential to governments to define, pilot and evaluate their policies and are key elements to build efficient dialogue with the society. Furthermore, in the context of the measurement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the increasing demand for robust statistical information is a central issue for statistical agencies all over the world.

Expertise France was created within the French Ministry of Economy and Finance with a mandate to support the French Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) in the field of international assistance. In the last few years, Expertise France developed a strong experience in the management of complex regional projects in various parts of the world, Africa (PAS, SODDA), Asia (COMPASS) and the Mediterranean area (MEDSTAT IV).

Regional cooperation on statistics is an effective and recognised tool for improving the quality of statistics and for identifying, promoting and exchanging good practices. This experience comes in complement of other instruments of cooperation aiming at enhancing national statistical capacities through transfer of knowledge and know-how and the empowerment of local skills.

We work on behalf of the European Union, partner countries or any other donor to address and respond to regional and local specificities within statistical production, bringing a recognised knowledge of international standards through the mobilisation of highly experienced project teams composed of project managers, statisticians and various experts.  

Our projects in the field of statistics

Pan African Statistics Programme (PAS)

The Pan African Statistics programme, launched by Eurostat and funded by the European Union, aims to support the African Union Commission in developing its statistical capacity and improving the African statistical system.

Find out more about the PAS



The overall objective of the MEDSTAT IV project, which came to an end in August 2019, was to promote evidence-based decision-making and to foster democratic development by improving the availability, visibility and accessibility of robust, reliable and timely statistical data in the ENP South countries.

Find out more about MEDSTAT IV


SODDA - Support project for monitoring Sustainable Development Objectives in Africa

This project aims to develop a reflection on indicators for monitoring the SDGs in French-speaking Africa. Through a regional working group, the project helps to identify relevant indicators for Africa and capitalise on the experiences of the most advanced countries in disseminating good practice across the continent.

Find out more about SODDA


Statistics for the Eastern Partnership (STEP)

STEP is the first regional statistical cooperation project embedded within the EU support to the ENP East statistical systems under the Eastern Partnership strategy. Actions within this project aim towards the improvement of the quality and availability of statistics produced, disseminated and used in the region.

Find out more about STEP

Read also...

Article: Why communication matters in statistics?

Article: Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals: the challenges for official statistics

Article: Regional perspective for statistics: “No one left behind”!

Article: MEDSTAT IV, a successful Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation project

Article: Zero hunger: the food balance sheet, a very informative tool to prevent food insecurity

Last publications