Central America and Mexico: with AFD Group, Expertise France is stepping up its action in the region


El Salvador

Central America is a region with strong development potential for Expertise France and AFD Group. On the occasion of Jérémie Pellet’s visit to Panama, El Salvador and Mexico, this article reviews the projects implemented in these three countries.

From 11 to 15 March 2024, Jérémie Pellet, Chief Executive Officer of Expertise France, visited Panama, El Salvador and Mexico with the aim of strengthening relations with partners in the region. 

Expertise France has become a key partner for the implementation of the European Union’s regional cooperation in Central America. The agency is developing its activity on priority thematic areas for countries in the region, such as the fight against organised crime, social cohesion, gender issues, the fight against climate change, and biodiversity conservation. Through “Team Europe Initiatives”, Expertise France is also working on new thematic areas, such as digital technologies, and is strengthening its position as a confirmed partner in the European regional cooperation mechanism.

This geographical area also offers major opportunities for operations based on the AFD Group approach, and the agency acts as a platform for the mobilisation of French expertise in the context of AFD-financed projects.

In addition, Expertise France is deploying an increasing number of International Technical Experts across the region, closely linked to the operational priorities identified by France in this region.

Panama: European cooperation for the fight against organised crime

The agency is working in Panama in the context of regional projects, mainly financed by the European Union.

These regional project address the policy priorities of our partner countries, such as social protection for vulnerable people (VITAL – Facility on Ageing in Latin America and the Caribbean), the fight against crime and terrorist financing, maritime security, and biodiversity. 

These regional projects make a major contribution to strengthening bilateral relations between the two continents through effective institutional partnerships. For example, the “EL PAcCTO” programme aims to strengthen the rule of law and the fight against organised crime both in Latin America and Europe, by mobilising the Office of the Attorney General, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Police Force, and the Ministry of Environment in Panama.

The second phase of this project was launched on Monday 11 March in Panama City, in the presence of a number of ministers and senior officials from the countries involved, including Mr. Ivor Axel Pittí, Deputy Minister of Public Security of Panama, and Mrs. Izabela Matusz, European Union Ambassador. This launch gave the Chief Executive Officer the opportunity to point out that: “EL PAcCTO is a programme that has gone beyond the high-level policy dialogue. It has also supported the creation of key tools for operational judicial and police cooperation. Here in Panama, several specialised multidisciplinary teams have been set up, for example, to combat environmental crimes.” Jérémie Pellet, Chief Executive Officer of Expertise France.


El Salvador: promoting education and integration through youth employment

The agency is working on two national projects in El Salvador, which are almost entirely financed by the EU. These two projects focus on improving integration and access to employment for young people at risk or marginalised, and on protecting the forests of Mesoamerica.

The “LAMARR” project aims to offer training and employment opportunities in the digital field to young people with socio-economic difficulties. Since its launch in early 2023, this project has already trained a first group of 150 beneficiaries in office automation tools. A €4 million top-up, in addition to the initial €5 million, was signed by Jérémie Pellet and the European Union Delegation on Wednesday 13 March.



The second project is in the start-up phase. In the Team Europe format, it will strengthen the protection and sustainable use of the great forests of Mesoamerica. Expertise France will be focusing its support on biodiversity conservation in the region.

Mexico: reducing economic vulnerability and strengthening public finances

The agency is working on three national projects in Mexico, two of which are financed by the EU. These projects focus on reducing the economic vulnerability of Mexican people (EU4decentwork) and strengthening the country’s public finances (EU4equity). Generally speaking, these projects aim to foster social cohesion, the economy, growth, and sustainable development in Mexico.

Mexico is also a partner through regional projects, mainly financed by the EU and AFD, on themes such as social protection (VITAL, AFD) and the fight against crime, as well as environmental and climate justice and biodiversity.

The “Hacia Escazù” project financed by AFD covers Mexico, Costa Rica, Bolivia and Ecuador. It aims to build the capacities of justice operators in terms of environmental law and increase citizen participation in decision-making processes related to environmental issues. In the context of this project, an inter-institutional dialogue was organised at the Mexican Institute for Justice (IMJUS) from 5 to 7 March to discuss access to environmental justice.

The visit to Mexico City by the Chief Executive Officer led to the signing of a letter of intent by   Jérémie Pellet and Gloria Sandoval Salas, Executive Director of AMEXCID, the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation. This signing demonstrates the high level of cooperation between the two agencies. It also fosters cooperation in a number of priority sectors through the implementation of projects, the exchange of knowledge and experience, capacity building, and technical assistance.

The Central America region, and Mexico in particular, are a priority for AFD Group. The Group has a Regional Office and a representative for Expertise France has recently been deployed there.


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