“Orange the World”: Through EUROsociAL+, Expertise France joins efforts to eliminate violence against women

The Americas
In November, the European Union EUROsociAL+ Programme, through its Gender Equality Policies Area implemented by Expertise France, is implementing various national and regional activities in Latin America in connection with physical autonomy to combat gender violence. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Programme organises a webinar to capitalise on lessons learnt to eliminate violence against women in Latin America and the European Union.

Through its gender component, the EUROsociAL+ Programme helps to set up public policies to combat gender violence. This way, EUROsociAL+ is committed to reducing the inequality gaps between women and men as a way to improve social cohesion in Latin America. Such cohesion can only exist if it is possible to prevent, reduce and punish gender violence.

Involving all the institutional chain to fight against gender violence

Through various technical cooperation tools, this regional programme has been able to co-construct, together with the governments of Latin America, various responses to provide public action with greater coherence in the fight against gender violence, involving key actors in the institutional chain: Advancement Mechanisms for Women (MAM), the judicial system, prosecutors, Interior Ministries, Health and local authorities and networks in charge of shelters, social and employment services.

As a result of this collaboration, the programme has been a vector for substantive exchange and learning from European and Latin American experiences in the fight against gender violence, covering technical areas as diverse as the investigation of feminicides, the design of surveys on the prevalence of gender-based violence, work with male aggressors to prevent recidivism, and even actions that point to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the physical autonomy of women.

EUROsociAL+ involved in the “Orange the World” campaign

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (also called “Orange Day”) is held every year on 25 November. Since 1991, it marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign which lasts until 10th December, Human Rights Day.

On this occasion, EUROsociAL+ Gender Equality Policy Area organises, on 26 November 2020 an online event to present some of the contributions it has made for more than 3 years in the field of violence against women. This webinar, in French and Spanish, is part of an internal exercise to capitalise on experiences and lessons learnt that seeks to federate actors from Latin America and Europe around spaces for dialogue and common challenges, which can enhance the efforts made, from a bi-regional perspective



Likewise, throughout November, the area implemented by Expertise France is co-organising and participating in various events developed by Latin American institutions, with the aim of making visible the public policies implemented to reinforce women’s rights, including those related to the physical autonomy of women.



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